Bad Mouthing PAULO AVELINO |
Tuesday, June 19, 2007 |
I was furious when Paulo Avelino replied to my ‘kamusta’ text yesterday that someone posted his mobile number. When ask if he knows where, he plainly said “sa iGMA cguro” (but I was later informed by ireneo that it was at KaPaulo and Kapuso_ako YG’s). The original post can’t be found in either YG’s as they have already been deleted by the moderators. A copy of which was posted at Marky Cielo’s YG. I bleed so much while reading the post and I can’t help but think poorly of the one who made the following statements that I am going to deliver, point by point:
(complete transcript of RTC's post can be found at Marky's YG.)
e. Four days after the elimination, RTC gathered enough strength to txt Mrs. Avelino and paulo himself, to console them on the elimination. It was in one of these txt exchange where paulo pronounced that HE DID NOT BELIEVE THAT HE WAS THE LOWEST IN VOTES. RTC countered that perhaps, Mark's manager, who happens to be Dennis Trillo's manager, might be closer to Douglas, one of the jurors, to which paulo countered that NO, MY MANAGER, TITO JOEY DIEGO (S.L.N.) IS ALSO CLOSE TO TITO DOUGLAS. Tiborxia: I am thankful that Paulo did not think as though Popoy Caritativo (Mart’s Manager) worked his way so Mart will win. Popoy had his share of fear that Mart might not be able to make it. There had been so many preoccupations during the starstruck days and all we can do until now is speculate, and nothing more.
f. paulo ventured further by stating that HE IS MORE INCLINED TO BELIEVE THAT IT WAS NOT LOW VOTES THAT KICKED HIM OUT OF FINAL 6, BUT WILMA GALVANTE, GMA's SR. VP FOR ENTERTAINMENT, who decided on his fate. Tiborxia: Again, purely speculations. Given the benefit that Wilma had to decide on who should win or not – it is her call. What counts most is the fact that Paulo is NOT left with nothing after the competition. He still has shows and was offered a GMAAC Contract.
h. prior to the finals, i met through KAPUSO_AKO@YG, ramhorse and idee tadiosa, who, like me, were so affected by paulo's elimination. Through many txt exchanges, the idea of putting up a KAPAULO_AKO@ YG came up and all three agreed that it should be born before the FINALS at the Sports Center. Tiborxia: I couldn’t be happier for your efforts of starting a core group to support Paulo. As far as I can remember, the Kapaulo Ako YG started all of it until Dave created Paulo’s Proboards Forum. Many thanks for bridging each Paulo Avelino believer.
j. With the finals over, and the actual struggle just beginning, kapaulo_ako founders thought of regularly flashing paulo pix at the YG. For this plan, paulo promised to provide fresh pix, not only to RTC, but ramhorse and idee tadiosa as well, but such promise for simple mms pictures, never materialized. Tiborxia: I have known Paulo only a week before the Final Judgment, it wasn’t even formal. I was just a plain fan wanting to see and take pictures of him. But I am a living testimony that until now, he has kept his promise(s). From the Klownz invite, to the chat conferences, his posts in his blog, pictures, name it – he did it all. If he wasn’t able to fulfill his promise, he definitely has a good reason for it, all you have to do is ASK.
l. in one final desperate move to get the mms pic requested, RTC txtd paulo, reminding him of the same as it will be used for the YG. paulo failed not only to send the MMS PIX, but did not bother to txt at all. Tiborxia: He is not a SUPER HUMAN. That’s all I can say. You could have called him.
m. subsequently, as RTC was an original MARKY CIELO supporter, he txtd Mrs. Mildred Cielo asking for new Marky pix for distribution to Marky's fans at St. Scholastica' s Marikina. Being the gracious lady that Mildred was known for, she sent a few pix of Marky a day after the request. Tiborxia: You texted the mother for crying out loud! She only attends to their Ukay-Ukay and Ink for Less businesses in Antipolo, hence she has all the time to attend to your needs. Don, Evie and the rest of the Noinois, please excuse me for my next words but this is nothing against Marky, I would just like to raise a point. RTC: Try to text marky, tingnan natin kung hindi mamuti ang mata mo sa kakaantay ng reply. You have the number of Paulo’s mother to begin with, why not text her just as how you did with Mildred? Please be logical in your comparison more so in your actions.
n. Receiving the Marky pix so fast, RTC txt paulo which read almost like this: I requested Mrs. Cielo some Marky pix and they sent several immediately a day after the request. You however, not only failed to send any but did not bother to reply to our txts. Such simple gestures of gratitude from Marky makes him successful above all other SST graduates. Tiborxia: You are way below the belt in this. I would agree with Pau to whatever reactions he had made.
o. paulo txt RTC back, to quote: WHAT YOU JUST SAID IS RUDE. FYI I AM ONLY USING AN ORDINARY PHONE WITH NO CAM. Tiborxia: True enough. He is just using an ordinary phone with no cam. I can attest to that. And again YES the text sent to him was rude. OVERLY RUDE!
p. ha ha ha ha!! would you believe paulo used an ordinary phone during SST? Assuming he did, he should have informed RTC about it, rather than leave him waiting and guessing for the mms pix that never came. Tiborxia: And why not believe that he is using an ordinary phone? Prince was using an N1100 during the competition, Rich was using a V3, Mart was using an ordinary phone as well. Name it. I guess it was only Kris who was using a high-end phone (P910i). It doesn’t mean that when you join SS competition, you need to have a cam fone to send MMS pics to your supporters. Grow up!
q. Calling a strong supporter even after his elimination and even spearheading the formation of a kapaulo_ako@ yg chat forum, does RTC deserve to be called RUDE only because he compared Marky's gesture over his? That was uncalled for, and because of that RTCs txt in return, informing paulo that he is, starting that day, a KAPAULONOMORE. Tiborxia: I would even campaign for your rudeness. Have you ever taken GMRC during your elementary years?
r. What's the use of continuing to support a NOBODY who knows not to be give importance to his supporters? Who needs support anyway? Is it RAMHORSE, IDEE TADIOSA and RTC? Or is it paulo? Tiborxia: A nobody will make the difference. Going back to history, how many nobody’s won kingdoms and empires? How many nobody’s made what we are today? FYI, Paulo knows how to give importance to his supporters; it is the supporters who don’t know how to be contented on what is bequeathed of them. Paulo has given so much. PAULO DOES NOT NEED A CONDITIONAL SUPPORT, you can have it all for yourself.
t. Enough is said of paulo. The trio of IDEE, RAMHORSE AND RTC, are KAPAULOsNOMORE. Be that as it may, the kapaulo_ako forum will not be extinguished. Instead, it will continue, not as a venue to glorify paulo to high heavens, but to BASH him no end for any misadventures he will commit. We will endlessly be on guard for whatever mistakes he would commit, and will magnify it here. Tiborxia: I once said these words to MART and I will be forever be regretful and sorry to him, his family and his supporters for saying such. But I have NEVER bashed Mart in anyway. I will be on the look for any bashes made to Paulo. There are just three of you to magnify Paulo’s mistakes – I HAVE A BATTALION AT MY BACK TO COUNTER YOUR ACTIONS. Have you not thought how much the Jewelers love Paulo? Some Martians extend their unqualified support (I am one of them); the ever-mighty, LOYAL and TRUE PAULO supporters, solid as a weathered rock. All of us believe that there is more to a fanatic life than that unsent MMS picture or a simple text reply.
v. lastly, the phone number so described by ramhorse above, and which they kept in total secrecy when they were still KAPAULOS, will no longer be guarded in secrecy. Tiborxia: That is not a Da Vinci code to begin with. =) it is more of a National Treasure. =)
w,x,y,z. That number is 0906 266 3681. Whether it still remain the same, we dont know any more. Tiborxia: So pathetic of you to do. Would you want me to post paulo’s email? Condo unit address? His brief size? His baguio address? His lusts? His wants? His love? His plans? ALL of HIS’? I can post all of them and not have a simple remorse. You may have the entire alphabet thumping Paulo Avelino, but I have the infinite numeral equation (thanks, Einstein!) to guard him with. Have you heard of the theory of relativity?
P.S. Tarpaulin, posters, pocket calendars in the care of RTC, are now all discarded. Like ramhorse, RTC is grateful that he met and made friends with ramhorse and idee_tadiosa. Other than that, the time RTC spent for paulo was time better spent somewhere else. Tiborxia: Those are organic materials just as you are – can be easily discarded. Paulo never knocked on your door, you walked into his home. Try to think.
Ram, you are a friend. But if I have to counter any actions (if there will be any) from you, RTC and Idee against Paulo, then I will most graciously would, to save Paulo from any harm. I have never come short of always wanting you guys to know Paulo more.
Don’t mess around MART Escudero and PAULO Avelino. =) |
posted by Tiborxia @ Tuesday, June 19, 2007  |
this is all i can say
hey selah, thanks for the comment. Seriously pissed off with me? =)
eto lang masasabi ko...
isang malaking pambabastos ang ginawa nung RTC sa yg ni paulo kahit ikaw pa ang owner ng yg na yun. personal na pangyayari bakit ipo-post sa public? thanks to ram pa rin at tinanggal niya yun. kaya lang may nagpost naman sa yg ni marky. tsk...tsk...
kung ayaw mo na sa kanya just leave...walang pumipigil sayo.
totoo naman na ordinary fone lang gamit niya. napansin ko sa video ng klownz quezon ave. ng final 6.
hindi naman kasi mayabang si pau na bibili agad ng cam fone. He has a lot of things to deal and look up to than a cam fone. =) praktikal na tao si pau. Simple and true. Yun lang. =)
Tivs, no silly .
im pissed of cuz of the written thing.
Hi Selah! I am as well. Kaya nga sumagot ako eh... Wew.
Anyway, how are you?
okay lang, hehe tapos na ang pasokan dito sa us. :) pero may work pa ako. ;)
How are you tivs?
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this is all i can say